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Green energy
sources for B.C.

Why B.C. needs
green energy

Why BC Hydro
can't supply it

Articles of interest

answers to
persistent myths

Who stands
in the way?

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Why B.C. needs green energy

In a nutshell, we have to meet the challenges of our climate crisis and drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while at the same time we have to provide for the needs of future generations.

About 15 per cent of our electricity in B.C. currently comes from coal-fired, gas-fired and nuclear sources in Alberta and Washington state. We have become net importers of electricity, and by using outmoded, carbon-emitting energy sources, B.C. is responsible for over 3,260,000 tonnes of greenhouse gases annually. That’s equivalent to over 592,500 average passenger vehicles on the road for a year.

It clear that B.C. can no longer rely on dirty power to meet our electricity needs.

Even if we conserve 10 per cent of our overall consumption, BC Hydro predicts electricity demand will grow by up to 45 per cent over the next 20 years as our population grows.

And as other regions increase their energy needs, we risk paying a premium for a dwindling supply of imported power.

Population pressure and the climate crisis call for new responses. Fortunately for us, B.C.'s climate and geography provide us with a wide range of renewable energy sources.

And not only is this good for our environment, it's also good for job growth.

Green energy sources such as wind power and run-of-river hydro have long proven themselves in Europe.

Other countries are leading the way in geothermal, wave and tidal energy, among other sources of electricity. We can learn from the experience of those countries and follow their example.

B.C. has to become self-sufficient in electricity — clean and renewable electricity. We owe it to future generations.

Green energy resources for B.C.


How B.C. can get green energy (click here)